When you look at the spectrum of dental care, you’ll often see preventive dental care and sedation dentistry are on two opposite ends. The one thing they both share is that they’re both provided by our Burke Parkway Dental offices. While sedation dentistry is typically used when undergoing major procedures, we look to avoid getting to that point with the right steps to prevent dental issues.
Fluoride is a mineral that is an important part of the structure of your teeth. It works to strengthen tooth enamel and slow the development of cavities. It also helps to fight the bacteria that cause tooth decay, and has been shown to improve oral health. Poor oral health is linked to a number of health problems, including cardiovascular disease.
Fluoride varnish is a high-concentrated form of fluoride applied to the surface of the teeth. It prevents cavities by making teeth stronger and less sensitive. Public health programs often use fluoride varnish for this purpose.
Fluoride strengthens tooth enamel, which protects teeth against acid damage and makes them more resistant to tooth decay. It also remineralized tooth surfaces to prevent early tooth decay. Fluoride is added to toothpastes and other dental products to improve dental health, and it has a number of benefits that can be achieved topically or systemically.
Fluoride is found in water and many common oral health products. In addition to strengthening tooth enamel, fluoride can help protect against acid produced by bacteria inside the mouth. It is effective in repairing the surface of teeth during the early stages of tooth decay, when it is unable to keep up with the acid secreted by bacteria. Most public water sources contain fluoride.
We can avoid the need for sedation dentistry with the use of fluoride in our toothpaste and mouthwash, along with other common preventive measures.
Dental Sealants
Dental sealants are an excellent way to prevent tooth decay. They are a thin, clear coating that is applied to the chewing surfaces of the teeth. The coating prevents cavities by filling in grooves and pits in the teeth. The coating has the added benefit of improving the appearance of the teeth.
The procedure of applying dental sealants is relatively simple. The family dentist paints a thin coating directly onto the teeth. This coating protects the teeth from bacteria and tartar. It is a non-invasive and painless procedure. The coating is bonded to the teeth and hardens to form a protective shell. The treatment is relatively painless, but there may be a slight amount of sensitivity
Take Responsibility for Oral Health
The provision of oral care is a pressing public health issue in many countries. Inequalities in oral health are a complex phenomenon that affect both individual health and productivity. Untreated dental disease can cause significant social and economic costs, including lost work and school time. It can also negatively impact nutrition and development. Consequently, it is vital that every individual understand the importance of good oral health.
The key to good oral health is taking responsibility for dental care and maintaining good oral hygiene habits. Regular brushing and flossing will remove food particles and plaque that can lead to tooth decay and gum disease.
The values of sedation dentistry are immense, but any good dental practice will look to prevent problems that require sedation from emerging. For more information on our dental tips and services, visit the rest of our website, or call us today at 703-429-0665.