What is the best gum disease treatment from a Burke dental office? Gingivitis can be one of the worst problems you deal with if you have bad oral hygiene, and finding the right treatment is crucial to healing this disease. In today’s article, we’ll be going over some of the important facts regarding gingivitis and how our dentist’s office can help.
Some of the most common things your dentist will suggest to treat gingivitis include antibiotics, decongestants, or even corticosteroids. Sometimes a root canal is required, too, but it usually isn’t. You might not need a root canal if your tooth’s nerve damage is severe, and heavy treatment is required.
If you believe yourself to be a victim of gum disease, scheduling a visit with your dentist should be your first step. Our staff and dental team is fully trained and equipped to identify the early stages of gingivitis, and is more than able to handle treatment.
Preventing gum disease should be any Burke dental office’s priority when seeing a patient. Basic but strong oral hygiene methods can determine whether you fall prey to this issue. Brushing twice a day and flossing at least once a day can do more for you than prevent gum disease. Regular dental checkups are also a great way to prevent dental problems.
Regular dental treatments aren’t enough to keep gingivitis from recurring. It’s important to pay attention to your oral hygiene, as well. You should visit your dentist regularly and learn how to clean properly and use safe oral hygiene products. Remember that when you brush your teeth, floss and rinse between teeth to keep bacteria from building up between teeth and causing tooth decay. Be sure to also seek regular dental treatments from your dentist as well.
A lot of people with gingivitis don’t take good care of their teeth and gums. This results in gum disease that progresses into periodontitis, which is even worse than gingivitis. Periodontitis can cause damaged and loosened gums that can trap more plaque and tartar than ever before.
The longer it goes untreated, the more serious the damage becomes to the gums. If your gums are pulled away from the teeth and they become severely damaged, they may become infected and bleed. Dark red or easily bleeding gums can be the first indicator that you’re suffering from gum disease.
For more information on gingivitis and everything, you can do to prevent or treat it, visit our Burke dental office online. Or, call today to schedule your next appointment at 703-429-0665. We look forward to treating your dental problems while putting a smile on your face!