Proper oral care becomes even more necessary depending on a person’s health, age, and lifestyle. It is even more so when one suffers from an injury to the teeth. If there is a damaged or broken tooth, it must be remedied as soon as possible. Dentures can be the best option for that.
While dentures may be the number one option for damaged teeth, there are some people who prefer the option of using a dental crown. This is one of the permanent fixtures that people can take advantage of nowadays.
What Is a Dental Crown?
Dental crowns are porcelain or ceramic cap for real tooth. It is helpful in covering the damages to the tooth. With the dental crown, the appearance of one’s crown will be improved. Moreover, the dental crown can also help in realigning or reshaping your pearly whites.
The best thing about the dental crown is that it can be designed to match your teeth color. It is also made from strong material that completely allows the tooth to maintain its functions. No need to worry about your infected or cracked tooth then.
When Do You Need a Dental Crown?
There are several scenarios where a dental crown becomes necessary.
· Weak tooth protection
· Dental implant coverage
· Post-treatment for root canal coverage
· Filling replacement
· Bridge attachment
· Fractured tooth restoration
· Cohesive smile
Is a Dental Bridge Necessary?
During dental crown placement, the dentist often insert a dental bridge too. A dental bridge is necessary when a tooth or two are missing. The bridge can keep the nearby tooth from moving straight into the empty gum space, which can consequently cause discomfort.
The inserted bridge will then be cemented to the neighboring natural teeth. Just like the dental crowns, the bridges are permanent fixtures too. You need to maintain proper oral hygiene to keep these permanent fixtures in good shape.