Dental Sedation is a common procedure that has often sparked controversy. We know that it can be hard to distinguish the fact from fiction. Here are four of the most common misconceptions that surround dental sedation, provided by your Dentist in Burke VA, Burke Parkway Dental.
1. Any Dentist Can Administer Dental Sedation
Only certified sedation dentists can administer the sedative. Staff members are trained to track a patient’s vital signs to spot any hazardous activity, but they will not administer the sedative.
2. Dental Sedation is Unsafe
All invasive procedures pose risks. In modern dentistry, sedation techniques and comprehensive safety protocols have been developed to combat these risks. Dental professionals exercise great caution. They are well trained and certified to perform sedation.
3. There is Only One Type of Sedation
There are four kinds of dental sedation.
· General Anesthesia
· Inhalation of Nitrous Oxide
· Intravenous Sedatives
· Oral Sedatives
They have varying degrees and are administered to patients depending on their medical conditions, pain threshold, and anxiety levels.
4. Dental Sedation is Only Used For Complicated Procedures
General anesthesia is administered exclusively for patients who are about to undergo a major dental operation such as periodontal work and root canals. However, dentists also provide other forms of dental sedation to induce a relaxing sensation before a minor procedure is performed. Children and adults with high anxiety levels may find nitrous oxide inhalation and oral sedatives helpful in these situations.
It is imperative to know the differences of truth from misconception. Your oral and dental health could greatly benefit with this knowledge. For more information, visit your Dentist in Burke VA, and discover further truths that will lead to a healthier mouth.