Burke Parkway dental practice proves amazing dental care. Your family dentist office in Burke will prioritize and put all the effort possible into your smile. Quality dental care comes with a quality team. Our dental office is experienced in cosmetic dentistry.
In addition to cosmetic dentistry, our dental service also includes root canals, cleanings, crowns, veneers, implants, and more! Your oral health is a big priority to our dental staff. Our dental center encourages you to schedule an appointment as soon as possible to consult with a doctor.
Our family dentist office in Burke recommends you visit annually for a dental deep cleaning. Your dentist in Burke recommends you get dental cleanings to avoid cavities. In addition to cleanings, our doctors can also help restore teeth by using composite fillings.
Getting a filling at your family dentist office in Burke has never been easier. When restoring a tooth with a cavity, your dentist will remove the decayed portion of your tooth. After the removal of the decayed portion, your dentist will put composite material where the cavity once was.
There are many alternative options for the material the patient would prefer to be used for their filling. A composite filling is best if you want the filling to match the color of your teeth. This is heavily preferred by patients since it looks most appealing.
The dentist will numb the area where the filling needs to be placed. When doing this the dentist will remove any decayed portion that is not healthy for the tooth. A substance is then placed on your teeth for a stronger bond with the filling.
Your dentist will then slowly apply your filling in thin layers. This is a very tedious process that takes some time. In addition to fillings, our office also offers root canal therapy.
Root canal therapy is an amazing way to restore a damaged tooth. This tooth would hypothetically be infected due to deep decay of the tooth. If the treatment is not performed on time, bacteria will build up and the infection can spread to surrounding bone.
Some signs that a root canal is needed is if it hurts to chew. If you bite down and you feel pain, it may be time to visit your dentist and consider root canal therapy for your mouth. If the tooth pain wakes you up often at night, the root canal should be heavily considered for future endeavors.
Burke Parkway dentists and team want your mouth to be in top shape. Any pain you are feeling in your gums should be instantly reported to our office. This will give you an advantage in ensuring your mouth is healthy and free of infection.
Checking your mouth for cavities annually is very important in preventing intense procedures such as root canal. Our dentists want to make sure that your mouth is completely clean from bacteria and plaque build up.
For more information, please call our office at 703-429-0665 or visit our website today. Your mouth deserves the freedom to smile.