Ankylosis is a dental condition where the tooth loses its ligament, resulting it to be fused to the bone. Ankylosis commonly appear to young children that hasn’t had their permanent tooth yet, mainly because the primary tooth is blocking it. But how does an adult get this condition? These are some of the factors that cause ankylosis to adults:
• Tooth or jaw bone infection that is caused by an injury
• Gum disease that has been left undiagnosed and untreated
• Pressure and pushing of the tongue directly to a particular tooth
• Heredity plays an important role in developing ankylosed tooth over time
• Spaces between the membranes that are supporting the tooth
Ankylosis is usually diagnosed by simply looking at it. Its often occurrence is that it appears to be in lower level (height) than the other ones. This means that the ankylosed tooth is no longer capable of growing out in a normal range along with the other teeth. This will result in another problem in which the upper tooth doesn’t get the support from the lower one. With the tooth submerged, the opposing tooth will grow in an abnormal range and loses its normal alignment as well. History of the patient and the X-ray are also there to support the diagnosis.
Treatment for Ankylosed Tooth in Adults
In treating ankylosis, it does not need to be extracted if it is a permanent tooth. There are many treatment options to choose:
• Orthodontic treatment to reposition for the necessary alignment of the ankylosed tooth.
• Segmental Osteotomy containing the tooth for realignment,
• Restorative material can be built beneath the gum surface to remain contact.
• Luxation of the tooth must be attempted, if not, then a surgical extraction of the permanent tooth is necessary.
• If ankylosis is present in multiple teeth, bone graft and alveolar bone osteotomy may be needed.
• If the tooth is not creating any problem, it just needs monitoring over time.